Long time no post! One of the reasons I haven't posted last month, is the fact that the quality of the pictures I take with my phone is awful, which really annoys me! I'm planning on buying a good camera, but it's just so expensive that it will still take a while! Maybe around my upcoming birthday...
Anyway, today I wanted to share something I've done with my best friend a couple of weeks ago. We made a list of ten questions to ask ourselves in a short 'interview' and both filmed it. After recording this we watched it back together and the idea is to save this video and watch it back together in ten years to see what has changed/remained the same by then and have a moment of reflection/a laugh.
Here are the questions we asked ourselves. You can delete/add as many as you want of course.
1.How are you?
2.Practical info- Where do you live? With who? (What) do you study/work?
3.What is important to you?
4.Do you consider yourself an idealist or a realist?
5.Do you have a relationship? What do you like about your boyfriend?
6.What do you like about yourself? Do you like yourself?
7.Who has inspired you lately and why?
8.When did you last cry/what was the last time you were moved?
9.What are your dreams?
10.On a scale of one to ten, how much fun is your life?
11.Describe your best friend in just 5 words. Would you use the same words in ten years?
We both rambled for about half an our answering these questions, which can become a little bit boring/serious, so if your good at editing- that's great. You could alternate the questions so you can see each other answer the same question for example.
I am already looking forward to the day we get to watch this again! I think it will be so much fun to see what we were up to ten years ago and what has/hasn't changed. I think even fashion/haircuts will be fun to watch back as things like that definitely change a lot in ten years.
Definitely let me know if you like this idea!
Thanks for reading!
xx Sophie